Slabbing Session: Sugar Maple 2 - Wassuc Rd


We scored this big sugar maple right around the corner from Steve’s house. And, we recruited Steve’s son, Joey, to help. The electric company was clearing trees that were encroaching on the power lines. What a shame to fell this perfectly healthy sugar maple. So, we had to salvage it. Luck for us, the electric company dropped it, because the 3’ tall stump they left was riddled with failed attempts…and metal! I wonder how many chains this baby ate!

This thing is big and super heavy! So heavy we had to slab it into 13” slabs on-site in order to move it. Hard as a rock too. The husky 3120 took 30 minutes and burned a full tank of 2-stroke on each slab! We moved it to the farm and finished the job there, over a few weeks. The resulting slabs are amazing. A large bark inclusion runs up the centerline providing tons of character. With a few gallons of epoxy these slabs will make an absolutely beautiful tabletop. Some stunning spalting is present in some of these slabs as well.

These slabs are finished air-drying and ready for the kiln and to make their way into your dining room.

Large Sugar Maple from the hood


Spalted Sugar Maple 1


Sugar Maple 2 - Wassuc Rd - Session 2